Saturday, February 1, 2014

60th !

This website received an email today from Obie Oakley announcing that the event a lot of us had been hoping would be held this Spring WILL BE!

Obie said that our 60th Reunion is set for the evening of Friday, May 9th 2014.

So, mark that on your calendar and start making plans.  Obie says that it will be a BBQ at the same great place we had our 55th.

He said that the committee met the other day to decide if this was something they wanted to take on and the feeling was unanimous; Absolutely YES!

Notices will be going out the week of February 10 via email and USPS to tell the class to save that date.  Then, he says, around the first week in March they expect to have all the details worked out and will send a second mailing at that time.

Obie added that.

    "We have such a great group of classmates and it will, as always, make for an enjoyable time."

So, let's have three cheers for our committee members.....


I've received several nice notes regarding the LONG SAM article that appeared on this site recently.  I appreciate that and have been encouraged to continue such investigative reporting.

For example, for a very long time, I've wondered what ever happened to the man who designed those CHARLOTTE shirts for the Girls Good Sports Club that our "best and brightest" lady Wildcats wore.

Well, according to my research, after a number of years producing shirts for high school girls clubs, he went into the sports jersey business for a while

Later he specialized in general Tee Shirt art

And finally retired just this year as a Tattoo Artist

And now you know.

Stay tuned for the next WHERE ARE THEY NOW artickle


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