Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Finally Retired

Well, I finally retired from News Broadcast Network, the company I've worked for for over 25 years.
I thought I'd brag a little and show off this nice note I got from Michael Hill, President and owner of News Broadcast Network.

10:58 AM (7 hours ago)
Hi Lee. Thanks so much for your note. I really don’t know how to properly thank you for all the wonderful years we‘ve been together. I still remember Bob Kimmel telling me he had a sales guy in  DC that we’d want to keep after our  merger and my anxiety over whether we could afford another person there and how you’d get along with our friend Burke.
But little did I know that Bob was  introducing us to someone who would be the radio life and soul of NBN for a quarter of a century. You showed yourself right away to be not just an extremely talented radio and TV announcer, writer, and producer (which was no surprise to you and should not have been to us given your resume) but more importantly one of the best people I’ve known in a work situation-- unfailingly kind, gracious, cooperative, loyal , hard working, and of course gifted with a great radio voice that made even my dad jealous.
Lee, I will always cherish the fact that we had a chance to work with someone like you and to share in your life. I am truly sorry that we could not continue the company as it has been for so many years, but sales have  slid unremittingly over the last 2 and a half years, and we could not find a way to stop that. We will be able to continue in a much smaller fashion but the heyday of broadcast public relations seems to have passed. There were some good times and some years we all did well and in my own mental history of NBN and its growth and success, you rank at the top of the people who made it the special place to be that it was for me and my brothers and for, I hope, you and many others as well.
Thank you so much for your offer to help when needed, and I hope we’re busy enough that we need to take advantage of that kindness.  All my best to you, your wife and your family. I hope to get down to DC in the next few months to say good bye to Mary (you probably know that she decided it was best for her and her family to take a job with one of our competitors) so perhaps we can all have lunch together. Remember the lunches with burke and art at that place over in Arlington?  Anyway, again all my best, let me know if there’s anything I can do to help your transition to the garden of the retired, and I hope to see you soon. 

Michael Hill
President and co-owner of News Broadcast Network
January 29, 2014

From: Lee Shephard
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 3:43 PM
To: Michael Hill
Subject: Howdy
Just wanted to say Hello and best wishes….and THANKS for 26 (or is it 27?   But who’s counting) Great years!
I’ve mentioned this to several folks, but I wanted you to know that if I can do any favors for NBN at any time….please don’t hesitate to call on me.
If Pete needs a day off or vacation…or whatever…or if any of the salespeople need a different voice……or…who knows….I’ll be most happy to fill in.
I think retirement and I are well suited……..but from time to time I’ll be happy to fill in……
I will consider these as “favors”……….that I’m returning to NBN for all that you have done for me for these many years.
Please don’t hesitate to call on me. I’ll be honored.
Thanks again to you and your brothers for a wonderful and fruitful experience!!

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