Friday, July 18, 2014


This is my third and probably last book of little stories and adventures and what not that I remember from my long and happy life.

I came into this world in 1936, which means I was a "depression baby."  But both my parents, Walter Myers (he only had two names) and Bertha Jolly Myers had jobs.  Daddy was a stock broker for Abbott Proctor and Paine (worked earlier for Western Union, beginning as a telegram delivery boy, then taught himself Morse code and later worked there as a telegrapher).

My mother worked for Western Union becoming a "supervisor" and retiring  after 40 years. Her starting salary in the early 30's was $7 a week.

My sister Kathryn who was three years older than me was a teacher and retired from the Charlotte public school system. She could not have been a better sister, always supportive, encouraging and loving!

We were born in undoubtedly the best time and place in human history; Charlotte, NC, USA. We were too young to participate in the wars, following WW2 the peacetime economy was unparallelled and the greatest nation on  earth didn't begin to fall apart until, well, until Kak (the nickname I gave her the moment I stared talking which was probably when I was 2 years old.) and I also began falling apart because of old age.

When the time comes for me to go, please don't assume that I'm screaming and hollering and raising Hell because I'm not grateful for the most wonderful life anyone could have ever hoped for, but that I hate so bad to leave it...and especially my wonderful wife Linda and my wonderful children and grandchildren.

Ed Myers /aka Lee Shephard  July 18, 2014

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